from Source

dieses script dekomprimiert sources-all.latest.tar.bz2 und installiert das ganze nach /home/ogo

Debian Sid

(environment: linux 2.6.2, AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+)

debian:/home/OGo/WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil# ./OpenGroupware 
Floating point exception

since I don't even ignore faqs:

Floating point exception!

Q: When trying to start OGo, I get a floating point exception!

A: This problem seems to be a result of NPTL (Native POSIX Thread Library for Linux) that comes with Red Hat 9. Try setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable before starting OGo:

export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1

If that doesn't solve the problem, please provide feedback on the users mailing list!

results with:

debian:/home/OGo/WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil# ./OpenGroupware 2>&1 |more
Uncatched Objective-C exception:
(repeats quite a few times until it Segfaults)

>I've just managed to install OpenGroupware and made several effords
>to get it running.
>Having already solved several little annoyances I finally tried to
>start it (and that is not as easy as it sounds: I'm using RedHat 9),
>but unsuccessfully.
>That's what I typed:
>-nil/OpenGroupware -WOPort 20000 -WOHttpAllowHost '([...some IPs])'
>.and now the error, after a few milliseconds:
>Uncatched Objective-C exception:
>exceptionClass <class FileNotFoundException>
>Reason: File not found: decimalDigitCharacterSet
>UserInfo: {
>filename = decimalDigitCharacterSet;

 This is in the mailinglist archives. You need to source a file to get
 your environment right:

  $ source /opt/

 Then run the command to start OGo. Remember to these steps as user

( the answer is just source before running OGo!


rm -rf sources-all 
rm -rf /home/ogo 
tar jvxf sources-all-latest.tar.bz2 
# third party modules  
# GNUstep Make  
mkdir -p /home/ogo || { 
    echo "couldn't create installation directory!! exiting"  
    exit 1; 
cd sources-all/ThirdParty/gnustep-make 
./configure --prefix=/home/ogo --without-system-root --with-network-root=/home/ogo --with-local-root=/home/ogo --with-user-root=/home/ogo --with-library-combo=gnu-fd-nil 
make -s install 
cd .. 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
cd gnustep-objc 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd libFoundation 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
./configure --with-gnustep 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd libxml2 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s install 
cd .. 
cd libical 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s install 
cd .. 
cd js-1.5 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s install 
cd .. 
# SOPE  
cd .. 
cd SOPE 
cd skyrix-xml 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd skyrix-core 
# TODO: describe options: nosasl, reentrant, nossl  
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd skyrix-sope 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd .. 
# Building the GNUstep Database Library  
cd ThirdParty/gnustep-db 
cd GDLAccess 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd PostgreSQL72 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd ../../.. 
cd Logic 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
Defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath "$GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT/Library/" 
cd Database/OGoModel 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd ../.. 
cd DocumentAPI 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd .. 
cd WebUI 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make -s debug=yes install 
cd Resources 
make install 
cd ../.. 
cd Themes/WebServerResources 
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/ 
make install 
cd .. 
ldconfig /home/ogo/Libraries/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil

cd /home/ogo/WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/
./OpenGroupware # well do what you want with it.. you actually need to take care about access anyway this shows if the server will run


installed configured loaded the scheme here

apache module

cd sources-all/SOPE/mod_ngobjweb

check GNUmakefile (debian's apache is /usr/sbin/apache some other distributions use /usr/sbin/httpd or whatever!)

afterwards make
and it will cobble together

added that to modules.conf:

LoadModule ngobjweb_module blapathtomodule/

this in httpd.conf:
AddModule ngobjweb_module.c

<LocationMatch "^/OpenGroupware/*">
SetHandler ngobjweb-adaptor
SetAppPort 20000

Alias /OpenGroupware.woa/WebServerResources/ \
  /usr/lib/  (check this path!)

another issue

after restarting and accessing the localhost/OpenGroupware OpenGroupware shows on the console:

Feb 10 23:32:42 OpenGroupware [2633]: <<Main>>D component has no template (rm=<<class LSWResourceManager>[0x084C0A5C]: path=>). - - [10/Feb/2004:23:32:42 GMT] "GET /OpenGroupware HTTP/1.1" 200 0 0.023 - - 0

my browser doesn't get any output anyway it's not many bugs away from getting done with that crap I hope

solution (just had a look at the precompiled version):

export FORCED_USER_ROOT=/home/ogo
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/
unset IFS

cd /home/ogo

next issue!

 The SKYRIX application server could not connect to the database server !

Please ensure that your database server is running and that the LSConnectionDictionary default is correctly set.

yippi I got the first human readable error message with a webbrowser!

... next problem

I'm already able to log in and change the password but as soon as I click onto contacts and want to add a new one it gives me:

Application Server caught exception:

  session: 0C920C92024029695D
  context: &lt;0x08A41714[WOContext]: 00a4029696608a41714 app=OpenGroupware sn=0C920C92024029695D eid=;
  request: &lt;WORequest[0x08AFC33C]: method=GET uri=/OpenGroupware/wo/0C920C92024029695D/ app=OpenGroupware rqKey=wo rqPath=0C920C92024029695D/;

  class:   LSDBObjectCommandException
  name:    LSDBObjectCommandException
  reason:  userdefaults::write failed: Couldn`t write User-Defaults
    callStack = (
        &quot;userdefaults::write (class=LSWriteUserDefaultsCommand, self=0x08866A04)&quot;

this one is luckily in the faq and gives a keyword what to look for

  18.  Konfigurieren Sie die Verbindung zur Datenbank mit folgendem Befehl:

$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary '{databaseName = ogo; hostName = localhost; password =""; port = 5432; userName = ogo}'

Weiterhin geben Sie bitte folgende Befehle ein :

$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAdaptor PostgreSQL72

$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSModelName OpenGroupware.org_PostgreSQL

$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain NGBundlePath /opt/

$ Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath /opt/


next issue

looks like ogo arguments aren't used at all, you have to use the Defaults command.

ok everything works now (at least it looks like) but I get this warning:

Feb 11 00:42:17 OpenGroupware [3298]: <<LSWImapMails>>D WARNING: context 00340296c5508a28cb4 will dealloc, but component is awake in ctx 00340296c5508a28cb4!

my start script looks like that:

export FORCED_USER_ROOT=/home/ogo
source /home/ogo/Makefiles/
unset IFS
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1

cd /home/ogo
WOApps/OpenGroupware.woa/ix86/linux-gnu/gnu-fd-nil/OpenGroupware -WOPort 20000 -WOHttpAllowHost localhost -OGoMinimumActiveSessionCount 0 -LSNewsImagesUrl '/ArticleImages' LSConnectionDictionary '{databaseName = ogo; hostName =; password = ""; port = 5432; userName = ogo}' LSAdaptor PostgreSQL72 LSModelName OpenGroupware.org_PostgreSQL

mobile phone number

this field is hidden by default, click onto the contact and choose configure (it's on the right top of the window), there you can select what you want to see. (zuletzt geändert am 2007-12-23 22:48:05 durch localhost)