Diese Seite orientiert sich an der svn-quickref und soll eine Übersicht der wichtigsten SubVersion Kommandos bieten.


svn help

auflisten aller Untebefehle

svn help unterbefehl

gibt Hilfe zum Unterbefehl aus

Arbeiten mit Kopien

svn checkout [ags] URL...

ein neues Arbeitsverzeichnis erstellen

-r N

Revision N aus der URL auschecken


dest place working copy in new directory dest

svn update [ags] [targets. . . ]

die neuesten Änderungen im Repository ins Arbeitsverzeichnis übernehmen

-r N

Arbeitsverzeichnis auf den Stand der Revision N bringen

svn commit [ags] [targets. . . ]

Einbringen der Änderungen im Arbeitsverzeichnis ins Repository

-m Nachricht

Nachricht ins Change Log schreiben

-F logfile

den Inhalt von logfile ins Change Log schreiben

svn add [ags] targtes

targets zum Hinzufügen vormerken


das Verzeichnis target mit allen Unterverzeichnissen vormerken

svn rm [ags] Pfad | URLs...

Pfad im Arbeitsverzeichnis zum löschen vormerken oder URL sofort löschen

svn import URL path new-entry

recursively commit path to new-entry within URL

Working Copy Maintenance

svn status [ags] [targets. . . ]

recursively show local changes in targets


zeigt ausführlich Informationen


show out-of-dateness information from repository

svn info [targets. . . ]

show tracked information on targets

svn revert [targets. . . ]

revert targets to "pristine" state

svn resolve [targets. . . ]

removes conflict files associated with conflicted targets

svn cleanup [targets. . . ]

unlock and resume un nished operations on targets


svn proplist [ags] targets...

view property names attached to targets


show property values as well

svn propget propname targets...

print value of propname attached to targets

svn propset propname propval targets...

set propname to propval on targets

-F file

take property value from file

svn propdel propname targets...

remove propname from targets

svn propedit propname targets...

edit value of propname attached to targets

Projektvergangenheit untersuchen

svn diff [ags] [target. . . ]

zeigen der lokalen Veränderungen in target

-r N

compare with revision N of target

-r N:M

compare revisions N and M of target

svn diff URL1@N URL2@M

compare two server paths at revisions N and M

svn log [ags] targets

show log entries for targets

-r N[ :M]

show log entry for revision N or range N:M

Branches and Tags

svn cp SRC DST

copy a working-copy path (or URL) to another working-copy path (or URL)

WC => WC

copy and schedule for addition (with history)


immediately commit a copy of WC to URL


check out URL into WC, schedule for addition


complete server-side copy; used to branch and tag

svn mv SRC DST

move a path within a working-copy or repository.

WC => WC

move and schedule for addition (with history)


complete server-side rename.

svn switch target URL

transform working copy target into URL; used to 'move' to a tag or branch location

svn merge path1@N path2@M wcpath

compare wcpaths (or URLs) path1 and path2, and merge di erences into wcpath

svn mkdir target

immediately create working-copy or URL directory target

Datei Status

(wie von svn update/switch/merge ausgegeben)

U filename

item (U)pdated to repository version

G filename

item's local changes were mer(G)ed with repository changes

C filename

item's local changes (C)onflicted with repository changes

D filename

item (D)eleted from working copy

A filename

item (A)dded to working copy

M filename

item is (M)odified, working copy and repository version differ

SubVersion/KommandoReferenz (zuletzt geändert am 2010-09-29 09:44:19 durch 145)