'''This is work in progress, so some features may not behave correctly yet.''' This latest experimental version of GaGa (see GaGaEn) uses TRIE-based preprocessing to find out what could be a link and what not. The rule for linking is simple: if there is a pagename of an existing page that matches a string on the page, a link will be generated. = GaGaBlacklist = In an english wiki, at and find would of course be on the blacklist as links is in this german wiki. You see the word links is not a link although there ''is'' a page named links in this wiki. = prefix / suffix check = ThomasWaldmann ThomasWaldmannTheOtherOne ThomasWald notThomasWaldmann = Test for linking = pagename_with_blanks (we use _ instead of a blank in the source) pagename with blanks (this is with real blanks) (and yes, there is no easy way for creating pages with blanks in the name, at this time you have to use the _ syntax to create) and this is at the end: pagename with blanks