Tipps und Tricks
Inoffizieller Ubuntu 5.04 "Starter Guide" {en} Der aktuellste
Inoffizieller Ubuntu 5.04 "Starter Guide" {de} Teilweise inaktuell!
RestrictedFormats {en}
UbuntuUsers.de {de}
Codecs und Multimedia
Auf meinem Laptop IBM T21
Ubuntu und spezielle Programme
Ubuntu und analoge Modems
Allgemeine Installationsprobleme
- Lösung:
As suggested earlier in the thread, I ESC'd out of configuring the user and went straight to installing GRUB. After the install the setup rebooted, and completed the install. - SO IT WORKED
When you get to the setup user press ESC and jump right away to install grub, lilo when it reboots it will continue without the cd and setup user etc then it asks for cd just put it in and it said for me the cd isnt a valid one just use http then... it will work for a while and then its done!
- Lösung:
- Bleibt bei "Enterprise Volume Management" hängen
Einfach abschalten: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Services
/etc/apt/sources.list abändern: universe zulassen.
- apt-get install psi psi-translations qca-tls
Datei /usr/share/applications/psi.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=PSI Comment=Jabber Messaging Client Exec=psi Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/psi.xpm Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;Network;
- Probleme mit PSI und GPG
GPG-Fehler Fehlermeldungen von GPG bringen PSI dazu den GPG-Support zu deaktivieren. Also einfach mal mit
gpg --no-tty --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-public-keys >/dev/null
nach Fehlern suchen. Der Befehl sollte keine Ausgaben bringen!
- apt-get jpilot jpilot-backup jpilot-plugins jpilot-syncmal
- apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail mozilla-thunderbird-locale-de
- apt-get install xmms gxmms streamtuner
- apt-get install gnome-commander
Datei /usr/share/applications/gnome-commander.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=Gnome-Commander Comment=NC-Clone Exec=gnome-commander Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-commander/gcmd-icon2.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;System;Utility
- apt-get install f-spot
- apt-get install seahorse
- apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla
- apt-get install gftp
- apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugins
- apt-get install vlc
- apt-get install totem-xine
- Kann mehr Formate als totem-gstreamer !!
- apt-get install w32codecs (vorher ftp.nerim.net reinnehmen)
- apt-get install libdvdcss2 (DVD)
- apt-get install secpanel
Datei /usr/share/applications/secpanel.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Name=Secpanel Comment=SSH-und SCP-Frontend Exec=secpanel Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/ssh-askpass-gnome.png Terminal=false Type=Application Categories=Application;Network;
- apt-get install sun-j2re1.5
- apt-get install teatime
- apt-get install nmap
- apt-get install nessus nessusd nessus-plugins
- apt-get install kphone
- VoIP
- apt-get install cups-pdf
Achtung: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/forum/software/cups-pdf Beachten!!
- apt-get install kernel-package libc6-dev gcc debianutils make libncurses5-dev
apt-get install linux-headers-uname -r fakeroot debhelper
- apt-get install shfs-source shfs-utils module-assistant
- module-assistant build shfs
- module-assistant install shfs
- modprobe shfs
echo shfs >> /etc/modules
webdav via davfs2
- apt-get install libneon24 libneon24-dev
- 3-Satz
- jpilot
- via USB /dev/ttyUSB0 57600
Mit xvidtune den Bildschirm anpassen.
- Auf Sarge kann er WMV: Testen! {{{ VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia streams from various network sources.}}}
Laptop T21
apt-get install tpb